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PCR test positivity and viral loads during three SARS-CoV-2 viral waves in Mumbai, India
Nikam C, Suraweera W, Fu SH, Brown PE, Nagelkerke N, Jha P
Biomedicines. 2023 Jul 8; 11(7):1939
SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen screening of asymptomatic employees: a pilot project
Schwartz KL, Bogoch II, MacInTosh D, Barrow J, Sindrey D, Jha P, Brown KA, Maxwell B, Hammond K, Greenberg M, Wasser E. SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen screening of asymptomatic employees: a pilot project. Can J Public Health. 2022 Dec; 113(6):898-903.
Trends in female-selective abortion among Asian diasporas in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia
Meh C, Jha P. Trends in female-selective abortion among Asian diasporas in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Elife. 2022 Sep 27;11:e79853.
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Job post: Laboratory Scientist
We are seeking a highly motivated doctoral level scientist (or one with a master’s training and advanced work experience) to join our inter-disciplinary team of laboratory technologists, epidemiologists, and physicians to lead a multipurpose…
Smoking Cessation and Short- and Longer-Term Mortality
In this pooled analysis of four national cohorts in the US, UK, Canada and Norway (total of…
Trends in female-selective abortion among Asian diasporas in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia
Preference for sons and smaller families and, in the case of China,…