Centre for Global Health Research
CGHR Updates: Find out about the latest news in global health research from CGHR.
Dr Prabhat Jha wins the inaugural CIHR Trailblazer Award
Director of the Centre for Global Health Research, Dr Prabhat Jha, has received this award in recognition for his outstanding contributions to population and public health.
Trends in bidi and cigarette smoking in India 1998 to 2015
The number of smokers is rising and cigarettes are replacing bidi in India.
Effects of body mass index, tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and solid fuel use on the risk of asthma
BMI, smoking, drinking and solid fuel use —combined— double or triple the risk of development of asthma.
Counting the Dead to Save the Living
The Varsity, University of Toronto’s student paper, sat down and spoke with Prof. Prabhat Jha about the Million Deaths Study.
Causes of Death in India 2010-2013
Registrar General of India and the Centre for Global Health Research release statistics from the Sample Registration System and MDS
Talking to the Dead – 52 Insights
A new interview with Prof. Prabhat Jha on the Million Death Study
Adult mortality risk in India in 2014
New demographic view of Indian adult mortality shows a east-west differences in the country
Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition : Volume 3. Cancer
Cancer control in low and middle income countries is possible and will save lives
Disease Control Priorities for Cancer control intervention in LMICs – The Lancet
The DCP-3 Author Group presents key messages for costs, affordability, and feasibility of an essential package of cancer control
Facility Delivery, Postnatal Care and Neonatal Deaths in India: Nationally-Representative Case-Control Studies
In India, women often seek facility delivery after complications arise, rather than to avoid complications.
Research: What makes an eLife paper in epidemiology and global health?
Editors of the journal discuss quality and effective epidemiology in the global context
Deaths from acute abdominal conditions and geographical access to surgical care in India
Access to surgical care for time sensitive, life saving surgeries is an increasingly important topic in India.