Centre for Global Health Research


CGHR Updates: Find out about the latest news in global health research from CGHR.

Smoking profiled in The Economist

The Economist profiles the changes to the modern smoking epidemic and the policies needed to reduce tobacco deaths

Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke and the Risk of Tuberculosis in Children and Adults

Patra et al publish a new systematic review and meta-analysis of second hand smoke and TB

India Causes of Death 2004-2006 Report

Registrar General of India report publishes the Causes of Death in India for 2004-6

Death 101: Shaping the Future of Global Health

To help the living, study the dead: we will analyze the world’s biggest health problems by investigating causes of death.

BMJ Coverage of the Million Death Study

BMJ covers CGHR’s signature study the MDS, offering an in-depth explanation of the study.

Slate Magazine: Lessons from the Dead

Slate covers the Indian Million Death Study in a interview with CGHR founding director Dr. Prabhat Jha.

Geospatial analysis of distributions of Tobacco and Alcohol use in India

A novel geospatial look at tobacco and alcohol use across Indian districts produces a fine grain analysis

What is Killing Us? The BBC Covers the MDS in Detail

From the BBC World Service Health Check ongoing series The Truth about Life and Death by Claudia Hammond

Tax hike on tobacco could save 25 000 lives

40 cent per pack increase from tobacco tax is a good start, but the government can do more to avoid early deaths.

Quality Health Care with Public Funds – The Hindu

Dr. Jha offers 6 recommendations for India’s new government to improve the health of all Indians

Three easy ways Canada can improve the health of new moms and kids

Globe and Mail op ed: 3 ways Canada can improve the health of new moms and kids through a big investment in Big Data and health

New York Times MDS Coverage

NYTimes World writes about the very human stories behind the process of gathering verbal autopsies for the Million Death Study