Centre for Global Health Research


Our mission is to lead high-quality public health research that advances global health for all, with particular attention to the world’s poorest populations.

Is Malaria an Important Cause of Adult Deaths?

Gelband H, Bogoch I, Rodriguez et al, Jha P (senior author). Is Malaria an Important Cause of Adult Deaths? Am. J. of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 103(1), 2020, pp.41-47.

Seasonal variation and etiologic inferences of childhood pneumonia and diarrhea mortality in India

Farrar D, Awasthi S, Fadel S, Kumar R, Jha P. eLife Sciences 2019;8:e46202.

Automatically determining cause of death from verbal autopsy narratives.

Jeblee S, Gomes M, Jha P, Rudzic F, Hirst G. Automatically determining cause of death from verbal autopsy narratives. BMC Med 2019 19:127.